Llama al 93 444 20 20 | ana@musto.es - Envía WhatApps 644 25 69 55


We are at your disposal 24 hours Emergency

tel. 93 444 20 20
fax. 93 444 70 53
Consell de Cent 99, local 1
08015, Barcelona

24-hour Professional Emergency Services from Electricity , Plumbing , Glassware , Installations and Gas Leaks , Locksmith , Unblocking , Masonry ,, Air conditioning , Light Bulletins and Certificates of Electricity, Water and Gas . All our Technicians are Homologated Installers and Authorized with all current Certificates and are governed by the current regulations of Occupational Risk Prevention . Our Jobs and Services are guaranteed and strictly comply with the highest quality standards and the satisfaction of our customers.


Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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